
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rock-Climbing Injuries

One of the things I enjoy the most is exercising, but not necessarily lifting weights. I find rock-climbing a great way to have fun, and stay strong in a functional manner. Being around rock-climbers I've treated a lot of climbers, and here is list of the most common injuries I've treated:
1. Shoulder pain - rotator cuff tears, acromio-clavicular sprains.
2. Neck pain - muscular sprain/strains, pinched nerves.
3. Hand and wrist pain - tendonitis in fingers.
4. Elbow pain - tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis)
5. Low back pain - sprain/strains, sciatica

Most of these injuries can be treated by conservative chiropractic care, utilizing treatment protocols including chiropractic manipulation, myofascial release, neuro-muscular re-education, therapeutic ultrasound and electrical muscle stimulation.

It you have any questions on rock-climbing injuries, or sport injuries don't hesitate to call me. I may be able to help.

If you are interested in learning to rock-climb in Los Angeles or are looking for a great indoor rock-climbing facility, check out on of my favorite gyms, ROCKREATION in West L.A.

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