
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Golfer's Elbow

Golfers' Elbow is the common term used to describe pain and discomfort in the medial epicondyle. Commonly referred as golfers' elbow for the high incidence of golfers who suffer from this condition due to the stresses put upon the elbow during the game of golf.

Last week I saw a new patient who came in solely for the treatment of of his golfer's elbow. As it turned out, not only did he have golfers' eblow, but he had an upper extremity bio-mechanical problem. We actually got more relief in the elbow by releasing his shoulder than by working on the actual elbow!

The key with this patient was understanding the entire upper extremity bio-mechanics!

Don't let injuries slow you down! If you have any questions regarding golfers' elbow, please call me. I'll be more than happy to see if I can help!

Dr. Eric

Wishing you the best!

Dr. Eric Nepomnaschy, D.C.
Bay Chiropractic and Rehabilitation
2116 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 450
Santa Monica, CA 90403


Golfers' Elbow is the common term used to describe pain and discomfort in the medial epicondyle. Commonly referred as golfers' elbow for the high incidence of golfers who suffer from this condition due to the stresses put upon the elbow during the game of golf.

Last week I saw a new patient who came in solely for the treatment of of his golfer's elbow. As it turned out, not only did he have golfers' eblow, but he had an upper extremity bio-mechanical problem. We actually got more relief in the elbow by releasing his shoulder than by working on the actual elbow!

The key with this patient was understanding the entire upper extremity bio-mechanics!

Don't let injuries slow you down! If you have any questions regarding golfers' elbow, please call me. I'll be more than happy to see if I can help!

Dr. Eric

Wishing you the best!

Dr. Eric Nepomnaschy, D.C.
Bay Chiropractic and Rehabilitation
2116 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 450
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Wednesday, October 7, 2009



Tension Headaches are the most common type of headaches out there.
They can be debilitating and bring you to depend of prescription or over the counter medications. Recently I had the opportunity to help a young man who had been suffering from headaches for years and was getting them on the average of 5-7 days per week! This young man had a history of minor but chronic head trauma -As former professional defensive soccer player he was used to heading the ball over and over again-. Over the years, he'd tried prescription and over the counter medications only to get temporary help and no permanent solution to his problem. He has been treating with me for one month now, and I'm elated to say that since his second visit he has not had one headache!!!!


* Remove subluxations (spinal joint restrictions)

* Remove nerve interference

* Release muscle tension

* Restore the body to health

If you know anyone who has chronic headaches, let them know we may be able to help.

Dr. Eric