
Monday, November 16, 2009

6 visits: 75% better - I'll take that!

Today my patient tells me that after months of suffering back pain, after 6 treatments in my office he is 75-80% better! He was having mid to low back pain, which originated as a result of a sports injury that was left untreated.

It is very common for people to notice significant improvements in only a few sessions!
Imagine what life with regular chiropractic care would be like?

If you could use:
-less tension and pain
-less headaches
-increased mobility

and more, then Chiropractic care is probably a very good option for you.

For more on my practice and myself, please visit my website at


Dr. Eric

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Automobile Accidents: What to Expect

Most of us have had the unfortunate luck to have been involved in a car accident. There are many common injuries that result from this type of accident such as:

1. Whiplash
2. Herniated disks
3. Headaches
4. Subluxated ribs
5. Fatigue
6. Mid and low back pain
7. Sciatica
8. And many more...

I'm writing about this now because I have recently been seeing quite a few patients come in with various degrees of injuries resulting from auto accident ranging from mild muscle strains to more severe disc injuries, severe headaches and serious knee injuries (from impact of the knee against the dashboard).

Sometimes symptoms begin 24-72 hours after the injuries occur.

Fast diagnosis and care after auto accidents are the best way to prevent lasting effects from your injuries. If you or a loved one get hurt after an auto accident make sure you contact me or your primary health care provider and begin treatment as soon as possible after the accident.

Dr. Eric

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Golfer's Elbow

Golfers' Elbow is the common term used to describe pain and discomfort in the medial epicondyle. Commonly referred as golfers' elbow for the high incidence of golfers who suffer from this condition due to the stresses put upon the elbow during the game of golf.

Last week I saw a new patient who came in solely for the treatment of of his golfer's elbow. As it turned out, not only did he have golfers' eblow, but he had an upper extremity bio-mechanical problem. We actually got more relief in the elbow by releasing his shoulder than by working on the actual elbow!

The key with this patient was understanding the entire upper extremity bio-mechanics!

Don't let injuries slow you down! If you have any questions regarding golfers' elbow, please call me. I'll be more than happy to see if I can help!

Dr. Eric

Wishing you the best!

Dr. Eric Nepomnaschy, D.C.
Bay Chiropractic and Rehabilitation
2116 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 450
Santa Monica, CA 90403


Golfers' Elbow is the common term used to describe pain and discomfort in the medial epicondyle. Commonly referred as golfers' elbow for the high incidence of golfers who suffer from this condition due to the stresses put upon the elbow during the game of golf.

Last week I saw a new patient who came in solely for the treatment of of his golfer's elbow. As it turned out, not only did he have golfers' eblow, but he had an upper extremity bio-mechanical problem. We actually got more relief in the elbow by releasing his shoulder than by working on the actual elbow!

The key with this patient was understanding the entire upper extremity bio-mechanics!

Don't let injuries slow you down! If you have any questions regarding golfers' elbow, please call me. I'll be more than happy to see if I can help!

Dr. Eric

Wishing you the best!

Dr. Eric Nepomnaschy, D.C.
Bay Chiropractic and Rehabilitation
2116 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 450
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Wednesday, October 7, 2009



Tension Headaches are the most common type of headaches out there.
They can be debilitating and bring you to depend of prescription or over the counter medications. Recently I had the opportunity to help a young man who had been suffering from headaches for years and was getting them on the average of 5-7 days per week! This young man had a history of minor but chronic head trauma -As former professional defensive soccer player he was used to heading the ball over and over again-. Over the years, he'd tried prescription and over the counter medications only to get temporary help and no permanent solution to his problem. He has been treating with me for one month now, and I'm elated to say that since his second visit he has not had one headache!!!!


* Remove subluxations (spinal joint restrictions)

* Remove nerve interference

* Release muscle tension

* Restore the body to health

If you know anyone who has chronic headaches, let them know we may be able to help.

Dr. Eric

Friday, September 11, 2009

Spinal mis-alignments and Back Pain

Spinal mis-alignments, otherwise known as subluxations can cause back pain, neck pain and a variety of other problems. When the vertebrae are out-of-alignment they not only cause pain but also affect how the nerves that come out of the spine work. A pinched or irritated nerve can cause muscle pain and dysfunction and it may also affect how the organs and tissues that particular nerve supplies work.

In recent studies, pinched nerves in the neck were shown to increase blood pressure.

If you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, or you want to be pro-active in your health, call my office for a spinal check up.

Common signs that you might have a subluxation are:

* headaches
* neck/back pain
* shoulder pain
* numbness and/or tingling down the arms and fingers or your feet
* restricted range of motion
* tension in your muscles
* neck pain or discomfort coupled with increase blood pressure

Dr. Eric
2116 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 208
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Headaches can be debilitating. The most common type of headaches are called "tension" headaches.

According to the CDC, up to 80% of all headaches originate in the neck. Chiropractic can help relieve headaches by reliving pressure on the nerves that come out the suboccipital and cervico-thoracic junctions that are usually the culprit of the headaches.

If you know anyone who suffers from headaches and is tired of popping Tylenol, Advil or other meds that only address the symptom, please pass along my number. There may be a drug-free solution to their problem.

Dr. Eric

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rotator Cuff Injuries - Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is commonly associated with rotator cuff injuries.

What is the Rotator Cuff?
The rotator cuff is composed of four muscles that wrap around the head of the humerus (arm) and provide both movement and stability to the joint. When injuries occur it's important to understand the patients muscle imbalances, posture and the cause of the injury in order find the best treatment protocol.

When the injury is due to repetitive stress, as most injuries tend to be, understanding the mechanical stress is key to finding the appropriate solution.

Common Treatments:
Myofascial release, muscle strengthening and stretching are the most effective ways to treat minor to moderate injuries. Passive modalities such as ultrasound therapy and electrical muscular stimulation are also used, but usually reserved for acute or very chronic conditions.
Chiropractic adjustments also help restore proper motion to the joints (gleno-humeral, scapular-thoracic articulation and sterno-clavicular joint) allowing the entire shoulder complex to function better.

If you know anyone who has shoulder pain, let them know we may be able to help.

Dr. Eric

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Office

So, I'm all settled in the new office and excited to continue to grow a practice based on good health.

Chiropractic is much more than pain relief. Chiropractic is based on how structural alignment (restrictions) affects the surrounding structures. By detecting and correcting spinal restrictions you can actually prevent problems, and improve how your body works.

I look forward to the opportunity to help you thrive,

Dr. Eric

below are pictures of the new office!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Neck Pain and subluxations

Neck Subluxations
Ok, in the past I have talked about the intervertebral subluxation complex, which as a reminder is when the vertebrae in the spine are mis-aligned or restricted in motion and affects how the nerves that come out of that specific area work.

When subluxations happen in the neck they can cause all kinds of problems, some that you can feel such as pain, numbness and tingling, and some that you can't feel like increased blood pressure.

Common signs that you might have a cervical (neck) subluxation are:

* headaches
* neck pain
* shoulder pain
* numbness and/or tingling down the arms and fingers
* restricted range of motion
* tension in your muscles

Unfortunately, sometimes subluxations can occur without causing any immediate clear symptoms such as pain. These types of subluxations affect the overall health and wellness of the patient, causing that patient to not live up to his full potential.

Routine chiropractic examinations and adjustments are important to identify and remove subluxations in your spine that may be causing you to live in a sub-optimal state.

If you haven't had your spine checked lately, call the office today for an appointment and lets keep you in the best state you can be.

Dr. Eric

"Nothing changes if nothing changes". - unknown

Monday, June 1, 2009

Immunity and Chiropractic

So summer is here, and apparently so is the flu. Often patients don't want to come into the office if they have the flu or are sick. That is the perfect time to come in. Chiropractic adjustments relieve subluxations that maybe be preventing your body from fighting disease. In fact, untreated subluxations may be the cause of a weaken immune systems that makes you susceptible to develop symptoms.

Remember, viruses and bacteria are all around us and on us. Only when our bodies are weak do this viruses and bacteria develop into symptoms and disease.

Have you had your spine checked lately?

Dr. Eric
Bay Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Cousin Sciatica

Sciatica is referred to an inflammation of your sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. It begins in your lower back and travels down your pelvis, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, foot and toes. When inflamed, it can cause a multitude of symptoms from pain, to numbness, tingling, and/or weakness anywhere along the path of the nerve.
Patients will sometimes experience low back pain, while others only experience pain or tingling in one toe!

What causes SCIATICA?
Irritation or the sciatic nerve can be cause by variety of pathways, from a spinal misalignment, to ruptured disc, to a sports injury or car accident among other things.

Chiropractic can help!
In many cases chiropractic is the best choice of treatment for sciatica! Chiropractic adjustments have been show to relieve symptoms of sciatica by reliving pressure on the nerve and re-establishing the proper bio-mechanics on the lumbar spine.

Will chiropractic always help?
As much as I want to be able to help everyone, sometimes patients need more invasive care, such as surgical intervention.
In cases where the nerve is severely impinged upon by a ruptured disc, severe degeneration or other causes, a consultation with a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon will be required.

If you have any questions on Sciatica please do not hesitate to call me. If I can't help you, I will be more than happy to refer you to the appropriate health care professional than can take care of your needs.

Dr. Eric

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Custom Orthotics

Dear Friends,
Have you ever wondered why your feet hurt?
Foot pain is a common problem problem for many of us. As I sit here in my office and open a box that contains my two new pairs of custom orthotics I recall the time when foot and leg pain was as common to me as the air I breathe.

Once upon a time I got inspired to start running. To my surprise two weeks into it I began experiencing foot pain and shin pain. Things got so bad that I had to give up training. Two years later, I told the story to my chiropractor and he told me that the problem was due to my collapsed arches (Flat feet) and that I could probably benefit from custom orthotics.

Seven years later and countless miles of running behind me which includes the completion of the L.A. Marathon in 2006 I can tell you that I am very grateful for my orthotics.

Over the last few years, I have helped many patients deal with foot, ankle and knee pain both with and without custom orthotic therapy.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing foot pain, knee pain, or low back pain that is recurring and is not getting better, orthotic or chiropractic therapy may be the right answer for you.

Feel free to contact me with any questions at, 310-993-8482, or visit my website at

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chiropractic and the World....

As many of you know, I just traveled to Costa Rica for a little R&R, and it was there were I found a great boost to my profession. Everywhere I went I met people from many different places, from the local Ticos to Americans, Canadians and Argentineans (among others). As we struck conversations the topic of what do you do always came up. When I told people I was a Chiropractor I got an overwhelming response from people. Aside from every one nearly falling on the floor and begging for an adjustment (really), people really appreciated what we do as chiropractors.
In California, we are lucky that there is a large number of Chiropractors, but in many places such as Costa Rica, there are few.

I'm happy to be back and to get back to helping you be as healthy as you can be.
If you have any questions about chiropractic and if it can help you, please don't hesitate to call me.


Dr. Eric