
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chiropractic and the World....

As many of you know, I just traveled to Costa Rica for a little R&R, and it was there were I found a great boost to my profession. Everywhere I went I met people from many different places, from the local Ticos to Americans, Canadians and Argentineans (among others). As we struck conversations the topic of what do you do always came up. When I told people I was a Chiropractor I got an overwhelming response from people. Aside from every one nearly falling on the floor and begging for an adjustment (really), people really appreciated what we do as chiropractors.
In California, we are lucky that there is a large number of Chiropractors, but in many places such as Costa Rica, there are few.

I'm happy to be back and to get back to helping you be as healthy as you can be.
If you have any questions about chiropractic and if it can help you, please don't hesitate to call me.


Dr. Eric

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