
Monday, November 16, 2009

6 visits: 75% better - I'll take that!

Today my patient tells me that after months of suffering back pain, after 6 treatments in my office he is 75-80% better! He was having mid to low back pain, which originated as a result of a sports injury that was left untreated.

It is very common for people to notice significant improvements in only a few sessions!
Imagine what life with regular chiropractic care would be like?

If you could use:
-less tension and pain
-less headaches
-increased mobility

and more, then Chiropractic care is probably a very good option for you.

For more on my practice and myself, please visit my website at


Dr. Eric

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Automobile Accidents: What to Expect

Most of us have had the unfortunate luck to have been involved in a car accident. There are many common injuries that result from this type of accident such as:

1. Whiplash
2. Herniated disks
3. Headaches
4. Subluxated ribs
5. Fatigue
6. Mid and low back pain
7. Sciatica
8. And many more...

I'm writing about this now because I have recently been seeing quite a few patients come in with various degrees of injuries resulting from auto accident ranging from mild muscle strains to more severe disc injuries, severe headaches and serious knee injuries (from impact of the knee against the dashboard).

Sometimes symptoms begin 24-72 hours after the injuries occur.

Fast diagnosis and care after auto accidents are the best way to prevent lasting effects from your injuries. If you or a loved one get hurt after an auto accident make sure you contact me or your primary health care provider and begin treatment as soon as possible after the accident.

Dr. Eric