
Friday, September 11, 2009

Spinal mis-alignments and Back Pain

Spinal mis-alignments, otherwise known as subluxations can cause back pain, neck pain and a variety of other problems. When the vertebrae are out-of-alignment they not only cause pain but also affect how the nerves that come out of the spine work. A pinched or irritated nerve can cause muscle pain and dysfunction and it may also affect how the organs and tissues that particular nerve supplies work.

In recent studies, pinched nerves in the neck were shown to increase blood pressure.

If you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, or you want to be pro-active in your health, call my office for a spinal check up.

Common signs that you might have a subluxation are:

* headaches
* neck/back pain
* shoulder pain
* numbness and/or tingling down the arms and fingers or your feet
* restricted range of motion
* tension in your muscles
* neck pain or discomfort coupled with increase blood pressure

Dr. Eric
2116 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 208
Santa Monica, CA 90403

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