
Monday, February 22, 2010

Vitamin A: a brief review

Here is some general information about Vitamin A:

Benefits: 1. PREVENTING NIGHT BLINDNESS- The retina contains large amounts of Vitamin A.
2. PREVENTING CATARACTS- There is solid evidence that a diet rich in carotinoids in particular beta carotene can prevent cataracts from developing.
3. PRESERVING EYESIGHT- Vitamin A helps prevent macular degeneration
4. AGING SKIN- All rapidly growing cells need plenty of Vitamin A including those of the skin. Vitamin A prevents the skin from being rough and scaley. Vitamin A may cut skin cancer by as much as 70 percent.
5. TREATING MEASELS AND RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS- Extra A has been proven to speed up the infections process and decrease the complications.
6. TREATING VIRAL INFECTIONS - a deficiency can make one more suspetible to a viral infection, and possibly when infected speed up the healing process
7. PREVENTING COMPLICATIONS FROM CANCER TREATMENT - Chemo therapy decreases the immune system large doses of Vit. A can raise it up again. However, it should be taken in the form of Beta Carotene.
8. BOOSTING IMMUNE CELLS - Large doses of Beta Carotene may increase the numbers of white blood cells

How it Works: Nutritionists strongly recommend getting Vitamin A through beta carotene. The reason is that too much Vitamin A can be toxic to the body. Beta carotene is converted into Vitamin A in the liver at the amounts the body needs and there is no known negative effect from too much beta carotene.

Sources: Beef liver and chicken liver are probably the best sources; other foods that Vit A is in are : American cheese, butter, cheddar cheese, chicken leg with the skin, eggs, vanilla ice creame, milk, salmon, sole, swiss cheese, swordfish, and yogurt.

Recommendations: The RDA is 4,000 to 5,000 IUs. However, there is no RDA for beta carotine, but 15 mg is typically recommended.

Look out for more blogs on vitamins coming soon!

Dr. Eric

Your Santa Monica Chiropractor

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